Friday, October 31, 2008

Free your mind: Refractive [geometries] in Metastasis....or "I can haz cheeseburger?"?

I've been thinking about light since a lot of the precedent study I've been doing. Bars and clubs use it to highlight areas (dancing, drinking, lounging, etc) for people while retail stores use it to emphasize the products and merchandise. One of the terms I remembered from Tina's class was "refraction" which refers to the change in direction or bending of a wave(s). "Refractory" is having a quality of resistance to treatment or to heat. Strangely enough, the search pointed me in the direction of cancer. Cancer is the abnormally aggressive and invasive growth and division of cells, sometimes to the host's detriment. In cancer "metastasize", "metastatic", and "metastasis" all refer to the the spread and propagation of the affected cells. So lets put that together:

Refractive Metastasis: aggressive, invasive, uncontrolled bending and changes in direction, proliferating throughout a body.

I think I might have something.

1 comment:

Matt Jones said...

Man your mind comes up with some weird stuff dude!