Chop a mannequin in 3 parts: head, torso, and legs. You can display the parts in odd places now that they are separated, in either a serious or humorous manner. All the heads can be on the "head wall": it makes me think of a hunter's trophy room. Maybe all of the legs hang from the ceiling or are upended into openings, a barrel for instance. We'll see what happens.

This strange drawing started off as a diagram of complex nodes, simple nodes and linkages but it turned into a water polo ball display. Imagine that. I think it says the most of all of the sketches so far. Its kinda effed up looking but I like it.

I've given up on modeling the "cultural aquatic center." Its not worth my time. How the hell do fit a window display into that? My window displays have come along although now that I think about it, they seem a bit gimmicky. The mannequins are suspended in front of an image which varies based on what the mannequin is acting out: water polo, professional swimming, scuba/snorkeling, etc. Option 1: a tank of constantly moving water sits above the whole display case out of view with lights shining down through it. It gives the whole window display the and appearance as if the mannequins were under water. The light passes through the moving water and the shadows casting down on the surfaces below move with it. Option 2: Have a tank of water in front of the mannequin display and throw some fish in there. Meh. Option 3: place the display in the giant tank of water. Exciting.

The mid-floor display fixtures grow out of the ground and up into the ceiling. They work with the type of mannequin noted in the beginning of this post. The mannequin(s) or pieces dangle in the suspended motion of your choice, 4 bodies to a fixture. Below them are storage bins for varying sizes, etc.

The mannequins should represent the bodies of old Greek olympians, since this is an athletic indoor/outdoor water sports boutique.
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